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Showing posts from April, 2022

Opinions for a Twitter Colloquium

For a Twitter Colloquium on Self-Publishing, here are some of author Celu Amberstone's thoughts in this discussion:    I think there are advantages and disadvantages to self-publishing. I am a mixed-race, Indigenous author and for that reason my writing perspective is different than what the established publishing industry is used to. I have been told many times by New York agents and editors, in their refusal letters, “Your writing is great, but I don’t know how to market your books.” But with help from online sites like D2D or Smash words I have been able to offer my books in reputable stores like Amazon and Barnes & Noble nonetheless. Self-publishing isn’t a shortcut to fame and glory, however. It means you have to do, yourself, much that would have been done in the past by a traditional publisher. So, if you want to have your writing treated seriously, then you have to do the work needed to insure the books you offer are the very best you can make